
Showing posts from October, 2022

ENTRY #6. Travel

 Hi, blog! Today I'd like to talk about a passion of mine...TRAVELING! Growing up my family didn't make many trips because we struggled financially. So, for a long time, I never understood the beauty and importance of travel. My dad worked very hard and put in a lot of effort. So much so that he eventually worked his way very high up. We are now fortunate enough to travel. It is my dad's favorite thing. I'm lucky enough that he chooses to bring me with him. The first place I ever went out of the country to was Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a very tropical place and has amazing food. It is a great place if you are the type of person who loves outdoor adventures! While I was there, I went ziplining, repelling, hiking, and swimming. I also went on boat tours and went to the hot springs. Another thing you must do when visiting Costa Rica is to take a few nature tours. On nature tours, I recommend getting a guide. If you go without a guide, it is hard to see the amazing wildlife

ENTRY #5. Mayhem

In this blog, I'm discussing the popular Allstate commercial,  Beauty Blogger | Allstate Mayhem - YouTube . All advertisements intend to sell or promote. Beyond the sale and promotion of Allstate Insurance, the commercial advocates the prevention of accidents. The ad targets homeowners. It wants the audience to connect to those little incidents, like keeping a flat iron on. The man known as "Mayhem" tries to convey the worst-case scenarios for accidents. Allstate wants its audience to have mayhem-free coverage. The context behind this commercial is that teens tend to make mistakes. They tend to worry more about likes and appearances than whether or not it's safe to leave the hot flat iron on a towel. This advertisement is very amusing for that particular reason. As a society, we tend to make mistakes. With the huge reliance teens have on appearance and technology, the situation is light-heartedly relatable. The design of the advertisement is to remind the audience of

ENTRY #4. The difference of treatment between children

Most people who have grown up with siblings know there can be an unequal form of treatment between each child and parent. More specifically, some children get treated better than others. A concept coined for this particular instance is called choosing "favorites." Many parents will swear they don't have favorites, but I think that is a total lie. Humans are emotional people. We all have that favorite friend, pet, coworker, etc. Even if we say we love each equally. The biggest issue with this is that children can be treated very unfairly by their parents because of favoritism. They won't dare punish or inconvenience one or more of their children, so usually, it can fall back on the least favorite or the easily punishable one. It can also be bad because certain children can be given more opportunities and rewards compared to the other children in the family. This leads to a lot of children growing up feeling depressed, unaccepted, and unloved. Most parents don't rea


The blue and clear packaging crunches. Keeping the cool crisp delight sealed. My hands gently feel the crevice of the wrapper, breaking it in an effort to unseal the mouth-watering circle. The circle is white with a hollowed-out middle. Little words indent the white edible ring, which has texture when rubbed by my fingers. The thought of toothpaste comes to mind as the hard white circle finds its way into my mouth. The flavor is strong, almost spicy. The flavor reminds me of chocolate because it pairs well with it. The cool refreshing taste reminds me of the feeling of drinking ice-cold water on a hot summer afternoon. The scent reminds me of the week of Christmas. Everything smells and tastes icy and fresh this time of year. The small disk-shaped delight shrinks and melts the longer it sits in my mouth, cooling everything it comes in contact with. The words indented on the ring massage my tongue as it makes its rounds inside my mouth. The icy taste tickles the tongue. A similar feelin