ENTRY #5. Mayhem

In this blog, I'm discussing the popular Allstate commercial, Beauty Blogger | Allstate Mayhem - YouTube.

All advertisements intend to sell or promote. Beyond the sale and promotion of Allstate Insurance, the commercial advocates the prevention of accidents. The ad targets homeowners. It wants the audience to connect to those little incidents, like keeping a flat iron on. The man known as "Mayhem" tries to convey the worst-case scenarios for accidents. Allstate wants its audience to have mayhem-free coverage.

The context behind this commercial is that teens tend to make mistakes. They tend to worry more about likes and appearances than whether or not it's safe to leave the hot flat iron on a towel. This advertisement is very amusing for that particular reason. As a society, we tend to make mistakes. With the huge reliance teens have on appearance and technology, the situation is light-heartedly relatable.

The design of the advertisement is to remind the audience of an average teen lifestyle. The background in the commercial is a girls' room. "Mayhem" is shown sitting at a makeup vanity doing his hair, like most teen girls do. He boasts about how as an aspiring beauty blogger, his hair will receive many likes. The tone and atmosphere are calm and funny until he mentions leaving the flat iron on the towel. That is when the commercials' tone changes to be chaotic, and all mayhem breaks loose.


  1. I agree that Allstate is trying to make a connection to the audience by using a flat iron on a wet towel, and I also agree that the tone did turn. It was funny and calm until he left the flat iron on the towel.

  2. I thought this video was so funny, but I guess I'm a guy, so I did connect with the curling iron and how it can burn a towel. Don't those things a have a automatic shut off lol.


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