ENTRY #6. Travel

 Hi, blog! Today I'd like to talk about a passion of mine...TRAVELING!

Growing up my family didn't make many trips because we struggled financially. So, for a long time, I never understood the beauty and importance of travel. My dad worked very hard and put in a lot of effort. So much so that he eventually worked his way very high up. We are now fortunate enough to travel. It is my dad's favorite thing. I'm lucky enough that he chooses to bring me with him.

The first place I ever went out of the country to was Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a very tropical place and has amazing food. It is a great place if you are the type of person who loves outdoor adventures! While I was there, I went ziplining, repelling, hiking, and swimming. I also went on boat tours and went to the hot springs. Another thing you must do when visiting Costa Rica is to take a few nature tours. On nature tours, I recommend getting a guide. If you go without a guide, it is hard to see the amazing wildlife. With a guide, you can see a variety of butterflies, insects, frogs, snakes, birds, sloths, monkeys, etc.

The next place I have been to is Paris, France. Paris is a beautiful place and by far one of my favorite places to visit. In my opinion, they have the best pastries. Nothing tastes better than a chocolate-filled croissant and a light creme-filled tart. I loved going there and seeing not only the Eiffel tower but also the Louvre. Art and art history are major hobbies of mine, so Europe fascinates me. I loved the nightlife in Paris. Seeing everything lit up and catching people dancing in the streets. I highly recommend going to the top of the Eiffel Tower and seeing the whole city. It's breathtaking. 

Another place that I have been to, the last place I'm going to share, is Italy. I have been to a variety of places in Italy. My favorite food is Italian food, you can't get better than true Italian food. I loved being able to see all sorts of Italy. I saw the countryside where all the wine and vineyards were. I saw the heart of Italy, Rome, and its amazing architecture. I was able to see Pompeii. I visited the Cinque Terre, which are five little cities clustered together on the coast. These cities hold bright beautiful houses. I visited Venice, the city that floats. During my time in Italy, I took gondola rides, visited museums, and went on a variety of tours and walks. I also learned how to make wine from one of the older residents of the Cinque Terre.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this blog about the different places I have been. I know traveling can be expensive and hard to do. I wasn't able to experience these till recently. I also wouldn't have been able to do it if it weren't for my awesome dad. But I hope that if any of you get the chance, you go and see the beautiful world. There are so many experiences and people that I didn't share in this post for the sake of length. The world is beautiful not only because of the sights but because of the cultures and diversity each city and country have. 


  1. Ah, these are some great places to visit! I studied abroad in Costa Rica in college and hiked from town-to-town along the coast through the Cinque Terre in my 20s. Fun trip down memory lane!


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