ENTRY #8. Work Environments

Recently I made the decision to change jobs. It was really hard, but I feel so much happier. In this blog post, I just want to share a little bit about each of my work environments and hopefully highlight some workplace necessities that make jobs bearable.

The job that I just barely quit was at an arts and crafts store. Within our store, we had multiple departments. These departments include crafts, art, floral, fabric, home, etc. When I was hired, I was given the job description of a cashier, but eventually, I worked as a cashier and ran the crafts department part-time. I hated cashiering because I felt like I was standing around all day, and I felt my knowledge of the store and how it was run wasn't being used. Being in the crafts department was awesome because I got to do something I was good at and feel important. 

I enjoyed my role as a cashier/crafts department employee, except for my manager. My manager hated that me and my coworkers in the crafts department got along, and even though we stay on task and finish our projects/work she still hated it. She then moved me out of my department, without saying there was a problem and without telling me she was moving me. Everyone knows at work that cashiering on register 1 is the worst job in the store. She insisted on putting me on 1 every day for months. Meanwhile, my department was falling apart. She began putting people with no training in my department to make up for it, and she paid them full-time to do it. Work would not get done, eventually, she got so desperate she'd throw me in my department for a day just to fix the mistakes they made at part-time pay. Now I was not only a cashier, but I was still responsible for the department whether I was in there or not. I eventually worked my way back in the department and things were looking great and getting done. After a few weeks, someone else was promoted to full-time crafts and so we had to team up together. Kathy then took me out again because we worked too well together. This was kind of my breaking point. I hate inconsistency and being punished for doing my job efficiently.

My new job is at a fancier sit-down pizza place. I make pizzas, salads, and bruschetta. The awesome thing about my job is that my manager is one of the people that also worked with me in the crafts department. He left because of poor management. I enjoyed working with him, so he helped me get a job there. I love my new job. For the first time ever, I feel important. I feel praised and appreciated for what I do. Not once at my old job was I ever thanked or appreciated. At this new job, I know exactly what role I play and it's consistent. The store owner is also the sweetest person ever. I feel safe when I come in. At my last store, I felt like my job was always on the line.

I think it is very important for jobs to make your role consistent. Some jobs require new situations constantly, but for the majority of the time, you should have a set job description. Job security is also important. If you are doing your job correctly, you shouldn't feel like you're going to get fired or demoted every day. It is also important to be valued in your workplace and to also have communication. My old manager never communicated with me, she just punished people. My new manager and store owner both help me understand the mistakes I make but also make sure I feel valued and proud of myself. 

I overall have more energy to go to work now, all because of leaving a toxic environment. I encourage all of you to think about your jobs and make sure you feel validated and safe. No work environment is perfect, but there are many things that can help make work bearable.


  1. I agree with you. You have to pick a job that makes you happy because some work environments are toxic. When I worked for Walmart in the automotive department, I was working part-time too, but all the managers kept changing the day I was off. It got to the point I didn't check my schedule anymore because I did every day I worked, but I told the HR department. They told me they short staff and their working on hiring new people. I quit on the spot because Walmart, being short staff, is not excused for taking away my days off.

  2. Communication is very important. It makes it hard to even want to go to work when you know that there is someone there that is a little jealous or has insecurities. Those are her problems. Happy to see that you have a good place to work now and are getting praised for job well done.

  3. A bad work environment really is a drain on you because you spend so much time in it. Especially when your managers give you inconsistent schedules and job responsibilities. Good job finding a job you enjoy.

  4. Good job with this entry in finding the balance between a personal topic choice and making it relevant and engaging to a general audience.


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