The movie fresh brings to light the many problems within the food industry. Specifically, mass production companies.

Huge companies have issues keeping crops and animals healthy. Local farmers and producers have less of a problem with crops and animals. The purpose of this movie is to encourage the audience to buy from local farmers rather than mass producers.

I have never taken time to sit and think deeply about the food I eat. As an audience member, it persuaded me to think more about the food I'm eating. I need to be careful of where my food is coming from. It also encourages me to do more research into the food companies I regularly buy from.

I found it very upsetting to find out how terribly animals were being treated. Animals were held in close quarters, which led to a lot of diseases. Instead of decreasing animal amounts, producers would give animals shots.

I was happy to see local farming in the documentary. It showed good examples of places we should be buying food from. Places that take care of their animals and crops.

I would say it is easier for us Americans to be naive to what we eat, but I wouldn't say easier is the moral way to go. I think it is hard to shop more locally because of higher prices and more limited supplies. On the other hand, we have to start eating better and supporting healthier food options.   

I think we should all try to move towards eating locally. It won't eradicate the problem fully, but it can help improve the problem and work toward a solution.


  1. I agree. This film really got me thinking about what I buy to feed my family. I have been paying more attention to the produce I buy and trying to stick with the organic selections. I haven't had to buy meat yet, but I will be looking for better, safer options. I know I have to have a mind shift because I have always been more concerned with price. I now have to consider the safety of what we eat and lean more toward grass fed or meats that come from smaller farms. This was a very eye-opening film.


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