
Showing posts from September, 2022

ENTRY #2. Properly conversing with people with mental health problems!

 Today I want to discuss a topic I find deeply important. Conversing with loved ones struggling with their mental health. It is crucial we know how to properly connect and help the people around us. As someone who struggles with anxiety and has lost someone to suicide, I have experienced the negatives behind mental health struggles. This is why I have formed a list of things you can start doing in the hopes of helping some of you communicate better with your struggling loved ones. 1. DON'T tell mentally struggling people to "look on the bright side" or "think positive". Your loved ones would not be struggling mentally if they could simply think positively. Saying things along those lines actually has the opposite effect of what people tend to think. It makes mentally struggling people feel more alone and think they are crazy for feeling the way they do. 2. LISTEN AND VALIDATE FEELINGS! One of the easiest ways to respond to a venting loved one is to validate thei

ENTRY #1. Blogs 101

An important part of successfully blogging is researching other successful blogs. As a new blogger, I hadn't formed much of an opinion of blogs. I finally did some digging and decided that blogs can be very entertaining. I used to think that blogs were for moms with nothing to do but brag about their kids, but now I see that there are a variety of different blogs stemming from a variety of different people and topics. I'm still not sure how I feel about my presence as a blogger, simply because I've never had the desire to start one. I do hope that by the end of my blog project I will have a sense of whether or not I enjoy blogs and blogging. Going back to the blog digging I mentioned earlier...I have a few blogs that I found that I liked and disliked. In the rest of my entry, I figured I'd share the links along with my thoughts about each one. The first blog I'd like to analyze is The Blonde Abroad (the link below will take you to her page). https://www.theblondeabr

Ash 101 :0

 Hi everyone! I'm Ashley! I've created this blog in order to update you with information about ENG 101 topics and topics I am passionate about. In this blog, I just want to share a little bit about myself. I am a nursing major and am interested in the healthcare field. I'm a licensed nursing assistant and am very passionate about helping people. I'm a very creative person who enjoys art, music, and traveling. I love music with sick guitar. I usually listen to indie music and love going to concerts. My pet peeves include slow drivers, slow walkers, emails, and not being in control of things. My goal is to graduate from nursing school and get a job as an oncology nurse. One of my more entertaining goals would be to travel the world. I have already been to Italy, France, and Costa Rica.  A thing that makes me unique would be my desire and passion to help people and make a difference. I also am the type of person that loves to know what they're doing and loves to be the