
Showing posts from December, 2022

ENTRY #10. The Finish Line

Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well and surviving the end of the semester. For my last blog post, I'd like to wish you all luck. I'd also like to stress the importance of taking care of yourself. I know that for me I can get very stressed, and my depression worsens when things come to a close. It is hard preparing for finals and final projects. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to drown in work and assignments. One thing that I've had to learn is that school is not more important than some things. For example, if you are struggling mentally, please take time to take care of yourself. Mental well-being is far more important than a 20-point assignment.  I also want to emphasize the importance of asking for help. Don't be afraid to talk to your family, friends, and teachers about what is going on. They are supposed to be there to support you. Asking for help is better than toughing it alone. I recently had 2 major incidents happen that took up a lot of my time. I